Audrina P.

Audrina’s house construction is underway

September 13, 2016

Audrina is one step closer to an accessible 1-story house, thanks to the Chivers. Her father, Todd, filled us in on the construction update.

“The house is finally started.  We are building a 2200 sq ft ranch home with no stairs or steps that is accessible for Audrina.  We have had some road blocks along the way that have delayed our project but we have a goal of being in the house by Thanksgiving.  I think it will be closer to Christmas however. We broke ground in the spring and literally the next day had a meeting to discuss tax implications on the original plans of 3400 sq ft.  After that meeting we scrapped the plans and scaled down to 2200 sq foot design.This set us way back.  But we recently put the basement walls in and once the support beams go in we can back fill the soil and grade it out so that it is flat ground again.  The framing will start in 3-4 weeks once our contractor is available.  There are some nice volunteers helping us and we have had some discounted prices so far but I anticipate we will use the all of the money raised in the flash campaign plus from the sale of our house in order finish the project. This has been a total leap of faith trying to get all this done. Not exactly stress free.  I am optimistic it will work out and we will be thrilled with our new home and Audrina will be more comfortable in this house. I will send some pics of the construction and will keep you updated as we get some walls up.”
