Evie M.

Evie is making physical progress

January 31, 2017

When we met Evie last fall, she was not letting her Rett syndrome stop her from living life to the fullest.  We recently talked to Evie’s mom and she had this to say about her progress:

"Evie has been doing really well. She is still on the antibiotics for the staph infection, but that is still going in the right direction so we are hopeful to be finished with them sometime this summer. Her physical therapists (private and school) are seeing progress with her standing and we have recently seen her sitting cross-legged on the floor and bed for about 30 seconds to a minute give or take. That is huge progress for Evie. This week we will be starting aquatic therapy with her PT and I'm very excited."

"We have been working with her on communication and getting new pages set up for her. She loves listening to Jolene by Dolly Parton and Pentatonix. Not sure where that came from, but I'll take it. She also laughs at Shake it Off by Taylor Swift." 
