Lauren M.

Lauren’s been on-the-go

September 19, 2017

Lauren’s mom sent us a few pics from the summer, along with a letter of thanks that made everything right in the world.

"We really feel that saying thank you for the grant for the wheelchair accessible van that was given to Lauren is so inadequate.
It is not just about saying thank you for the actual van.  It’s about recognizing the small army of people who dedicate their time and effort to helping others.  In the domino effect of these people, Lauren received this grant.
But to just say thank you….still not enough.
It’s only enough if thank you includes each medical mile
It’s only enough if thank you includes each family mile
It’s only enough if thank you includes each pharmacy mile
It’s only enough if thank you includes each therapy mile
It’s only enough if thank you includes each rehabilitation mile
It’s only enough if thank you includes each social mile
It’s only enough if thank you includes each emergency mile (we don’t like these as much)
It’s only enough if thank you includes each happy mile…
I needed to be pushed, quite literally, to apply for this grant. It has been a very remarkable experience. Still unbelievable, yet remarkable. The impact to us and for us is enormous. Having this transportation for Lauren has transformed what we are able to do with Lauren on a daily basis.
Although the summer was a slow start here for Lauren medically as well as a slow start with mother nature it all worked out soon enough.  Once Lauren picked up, she’s been able to enjoy some great activities.  She’s had a trip to the movies, been out shopping for new sunglasses, been to her grandparents’ house for Sunday swim and barbeques and recently went to the apple orchard.  She accompanies us much more frequently for the usual errands, which until recently, weren’t so usual.  They were almost impossible. 
She is very happy to be out and about and enjoys not only the riding in the van, but the great places it takes her.  And that is just the best!
We thank you endlessly and always.
Kevin, Rachel, Katie & Lauren McCullough"
