Luke P.

Luke’s ups and downs

December 2, 2016

Luke started off his summer this year having to be airlifted to a San Antonio hospital and having to spend 8 days in the ICU after experiencing aspiration pneumonia. But after this rough beginning, things have started looking up for Luke.

Luke’s mother Anita told us that Luke is looking forward to going back to school as soon as a private duty nurse is able to accompany him each day.  

The Prokay family also just bought a new house!  Anita told us that “Luke is loving the extra space we have at this house where he can roll around.”  Luke also had a blast at the beach this year using his new beach wheelchair for the first time, as well as been enjoying therapeutic horseback riding.  And most recently, Luke and his family “had a wonderful time at the 4th Annual Chive Charities Green Gala.”  We enjoyed seeing you this year and can't wait to see you next year, Luke.
